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New York Plastic Surgery

CoolSculpting, Mini-lifts and Fat Grafting

CoolSculpting: Lose Fat Without Surgery

CoolSculpting can help you lose fat and get swimsuit ready without surgery!  Look at our before & afters and see what we can do.

Who doesn’t have them, little problem areas that won’t go away no matter how many times you exercise or go to the gym?  Wouldn’t it be nice to get fat reduction without surgery, with no needles, incisions or anesthesia?  Since 2013, New York plastic surgeon Dr. Mario Loomis has been using CoolSculpting to fine tune curves for liposuction type results without surgery.

CoolSculpting before & after

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

CoolSculpting before & after

All results shown are from Loomis Plastic Surgery (not a guarantee of results)

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary approach to fat reduction that really works!  Dr. Loomis has been performing body contouring surgery for twenty-five years, reducing fat with multiple methods of liposuction.  He knows the nuances of fat, skin and body contours that go in to achieving an aesthetic result with body contouring.  He’s now using that experience to help you get liposuction-like fat reduction without surgery.

CoolSculpting before & after

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

CoolSculpting before & after

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

As amazing as it seems, the patients on this page did not lose weight.  In fact, they were the same or slightly higher weight afterwards.  CoolSculpting is a contouring procedure, not a means of weight loss.  Even with dramatic changes, the weight of the fat removed is usually less than a pound.


(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

We provide Coolsculpting in the office with no anesthesia, no incisions, and no scars.  Sound too good to be true?  That’s what Dr. Loomis thought, until he researched it, tried it, and started getting amazing results.

CoolSculpting waist

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

We have two CoolSculpting machines which means we can DualSculpt.  That means we can treat two areas at one time, reducing the amount of time it takes to treat multiple areas.  We generally expect a 25% reduction in the fat of an area treated.  Unlike other methods of fat removal, CoolSculpting involves no surgery, no physical removal of fat, no burning, no wound healing, yet fat is reduced.  How?

CoolSculpting before & after

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

Using equipment developed by Harvard scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, fat tissue is cooled to the precise temperature that will damage fat cells, but not other surrounding cells such as nerve or muscle.  These damaged fat cells are then removed from the body by a natural process of remodeling which goes on for the next three to four months.

Coolsculpting of waist abd bra folds

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

Unlike liposuction and other nonsurgical fat reduction treatments that use lasers or ultrasound to break open fat cells there’s no burning, dead tissue, or open space left behind by CoolSculpting.  The cells are taken away by the body, one by one, as the site is remodeled.  This is akin to a tadpole’s tale being absorbed as it turns into a frog.  The scientific term is programmed cell death.  Since it is gradual and natural, the results are smooth and soft.  In some areas, such as the bra folds, Dr. Loomis believes his CoolSculpting results rival or exceed his results using liposuction.

CoolSculpting inner thighs

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

We CoolSculpt the thighs as well, inner and outer, with the same goals as elsewhere: to achieve liposuction type results.  As with any medical tool, results depend a great deal on how CoolSculpting is utilized.  Results vary between patients and no one can guarantee a result, but we do everything we can to make the odds of a good result better.  Dr. Loomis assesses every patient to determine if you are a good candidate, taking into account where your fat is, your skin ton and laxity, etc.  He also uses computer imaging to demonstrate a realistic goal to you, to be sure you and he are on the same page regarding results.  Then, how and where the applicators are placed are critical.  We take the time to make sure your treatment is optimized.

CoolSculpting outer thigh fat

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

CoolSculpting outer thigh fat

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

After you are marked, the applicators are applied.  Some are suction and others lay flat against you.  We position you and wrap you to optimize the treatment.  Some applicators are on for one hour, others for one and a quarter.  With our DualSculpting, we can treat your inner and outer thighs at the same time.

CoolSculpting fat loss

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

CoolSculpting fat loss

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

While you are being treated, you can use our wifi hot spot to check your emails, watch a movie, read a book, get other work done, or just take a nap.  Then we remove the applicator, massage the site briefly, and go one to the other sites that you are treating that day.  After your treatment, you can resume your normal activities.

CoolSculpting men

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

There is discomfort in the site for the first week or so, such that it will hurt if you bump the area.  After a few days, many will feel an itching beneath the skin.  Both of these sensations are relieved with mild compression from ace wraps or a Spanx® garment.  About 5% of our patients will have more significant pain temporarily, which we control with a topical anesthetic.  Unlike surgery, we do not use pain medication after CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting before & after

(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

At first, the areas will swell.  Then, by around three to four weeks, you will be back to your starting point.  Some patients start to see results by this time.  We take pictures at three months, by which time you have about 90% of your final result.  The contour continues to improve over the next year.

The results appear very gradually.  So gradually, that many patients wonder if they’ve had much of a result.  Some of the patients shown on this page actually felt this way, until they saw their results side by side.

CoolSculpting CostsCoolSculpting CostsWhat does it cost? The photos show a good estimate for the different areas.  We have discounts for multiple site treatments and also discount any second treatments of areas.  Most of our patients only have one treatment session.  When a second session is opted for, it is usually only for a few sites that have some residual fat. In my practice, even multiple treatments with CoolSculpting end up costing less than my surgical treatments would.

CoolSculpting Cost considerationsConsider also, that what you are paying for is clinical judgement and experience, not just fat freezing.  Cost is an important, practical concern, but before undergoing any medical procedure, ask some questions.  Find out who the doctor is, are they the one who will evaluate you?  Are they board certified?  In what specialty?

If you’ve ever considered liposuction, you owe it to yourself to take a look at CoolSculpting.  Come see us for a free consultation and see if it’s right for you.  It’s a great way to get swimsuit-ready without surgery.

Going to the beach? Time your treatment accordingly.  Remember it takes two to three months to get your results, and you’re larger for the first month, so plan it in time to fully enjoy the results.  Contact us now to schedule your free consultation.

CoolSculpting Sculpt me appGet our app to help you see if CoolSculpting is right for you, at the Apple App store, or Google Play.

Once you’ve fine tuned your curves, see what we can do to help you look younger on our Minilift page.

See what else we can do on our website:

We’re in the Hudson Valley, NY, serving Orange County, Sullivan, Ulster, Putnam, and Dutchess County, Pike County, PA, Sussex County, NJ, and beyond!

CoolSculpting, Mini-lifts and Fat Grafting

Minilift and Liquid Lift

A Minilift and liquid lift are two of our most popular procedures to combat the signs of aging.  A minilift can restore a more attractive neck and jawline.  A liquid lift, using  Kybella®, Voluma®, Juvederm®, and Botox®, can revive youthful fullness around the eyes and cheeks, and improve the contour of double chin.  With twenty-five years’ experience using traditional surgery to achieve these goals, I now specialize in nonsurgical and minimally invasive procedures to rejuvenate the face without major surgery.  It’s all done in the office with either no anesthesia or topical and local anesthesia.


Minilift (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

All results shown are from Loomis Plastic Surgery (not a guarantee of results)


(not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

When there’s some looseness along the jaw line and neck, A Minilift done under local anesthesia in the office can help restore a tighter jawline as in the patient shown.  Unlike a more extensive facelift, the recovery from a Minilift is much less involved.

Liquid Eye lift by Dr. Loomis

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)

Voluma® Liquid Eye Lift

Liquid Eye Lift with Voluma® (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

An excellent compliment to our Minilift is a liquid lift. In a liquid lift, we use Voluma® and Juvederm® to restore youthful fullness throughout the face, as in these patients treated by Dr. Loomis.  Voluma® is used in the midface, eyes and cheeks, and Juvederm® in the lines around the mouth.

Voluma® Liquid Eye Lift

Liquid Eye Lift with Voluma® (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

Liquid Eye Lift

Liquid Eyelift and Lytera® lightening of undereye skin. (not a guarantee of results.)

Liquid Eye Lift

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)

Liquid Eye Lift by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)


Voluma® (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

Voluma is a longer lasting hyaluronic acid filler from Juvederm®, lasting two years in the FDA study.  Dr. Loomis especially likes using it to correct that groove that forms in the middle of the cheek and runs up to the lower lids, as in the patients above.

There are other areas where we want less fullness, like in the submental or “double chin” area.  While we can still do syringe fat removal under local anesthesia when necessary, we now have Kybella® to remove this fat without any surgery as in the patients shown below.

Kybella® by Dr. Loomis after first session. (not a guarantee of results.)

Kybella® by Dr. Loomis after first session. (not a guarantee of results.)


Kybella® one session. (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)


Kybella® one session. (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)


Kybella® two sessions (not a guarantee of results)


Syringe fat removal

Syringe fat removal. (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

Sometimes we may use a combination of therapies: Kybella® to reduce the double chin fat, a Minilift to tighten loose jowl and neck skin, Voluma® and Juvederm® to correct hollowing of the cheeks and under eye areas.


MiniLift. (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary)

When submental neck fat is too broad to treat with Kybella®, we can still do syringe fat removal under local anesthesia in the office.

We provide a wide range of options for in-office rejuvenation, all of which avoid the risks, downtime and costs of major surgery.  See what we can do for you. Contact us now for a free consultation.

To hear about periodic discounts and specials, like our Facebook page.

See how else we can help you look your best on our CoolSculpting page (link below).

Or visit our website

We’re in the Hudson Valley, NY, serving Orange County, Sullivan, Ulster, Putnam, and Dutchess County, Pike County, PA, Sussex County, NJ, and beyond!








Cosmetic Surgery Safety
Safety First!

Buyer Beware with Cosmetic Surgery

There are articles and advertisements online, in print and on television everyday talking about the latest device, product or technique that will get you fast results for cheap. This extends from the most extensive surgeries, like a facelift to smaller treatments like a facial or noninvasive laser. Most of the claims should be taken with at least a grain of salt, but some shortcuts and claims could lead to more serious complications like hospitalization and corrective surgery. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – exercise caution.

Facials, creams and potions
Snails, bird poop and gold are just a few things that have made headlines on ingredients for anti-aging treatments that focus on good skincare recently. Here are a collection of articles discussing these strange fads and alternatives like microdermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels.

– Latest skincare fad: Live snails?–live-snails-1051640

–  Study: Gold in your skincare products accelerates aging–gold-skincare-products-accelerates-aging-1050891

– Will bird poop facials take off as a new skincare fad?

Lunchtime facelifts
There are many ways to lift a face and some patients do well with a mini-lift with minor incisions and a quick recovery, but most of this cannot be achieved over an hour lunch. Injectables and skin resurfacing treatments is more appropriate for that time frame. See some patient safety articles that can spurn some good conversations with patients.

– 3 questions to ask before committing to plastic surgery

– Lifestyle Lift changes national ads after probe

– Branded Surgery Is Not Always the “Quick Fix” it is Advertised To Be


Illegal injections
Perhaps the most alarming trend is the increase in illegal injections of potentially toxic and unverified products from unlicensed individuals due to the popularity of buttock augmentations and Botox. It seems like there’s a news story every week about the arrests of these unscrupulous criminals who prey on vulnerable patients who do not have the resources and information to make better decisions. Share these stories as a cautionary tale and let patients know how they can make the best choice for their situation.

– Mother-daughters arrested for illegal Botox injections

– Putting the medical end of your medispa under the microscope

– Woman sought for administering plastic surgery without a license

Safety First!

Teenage Plastic Surgery

Statistics from The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery casts some light on this often misunderstood subject. A common assumption is that teenagers are undergoing more and more inappropriate procedures. The statistics gathered however, tell a different story.

For those 18 and under:
Ten Years Ago: there were 220,077 procedures in 2002 representing 3.2% of the total;
Five Years Ago: there were 178,041 procedures in 2006 representing 1.6% of the total;
Last Year: there were 131,877 procedures in 2011 representing 1.4% of the total;
This Year: there were 130,502 procedures in 2012 representing 1.3% of the total;
So in fact, the numbers are decreasing. Many of these patients are being treated for congenital abnormalities, severe breast asymmetry, or abnormal breast tissue in men. The most common procedure in 2012 was otoplasty, or ear reshaping. While ear shape may seem trivial to some, it can be a source of incessant teasing to young people, and the surgery to improve or correct it is not at all extreme, often done under local anesthesia in the office.

While some teenagers are good candidates for surgery such as liposuction, the careful screening by Board Certified Plastic Surgeons leads to nearly all of them being turned away and reassured instead.