I began using Kybella® shortly after its approval by the FDA in the Spring of 2015, and now use it regularly to reduce unwanted submental fat: the double chin.
Kybella treatment by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)
Kybella® treatment by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)
It’s easy to notice in photographs, especially selfies, that small pocket of fat that can be so annoying. Up to recently, the only effective treatment for this problem was liposuction. While I’ve performed liposuction successfully for twenty-five years, having a non-surgical in-office option now is fantastic.
Kybella® treatment by Dr. Loomis: 2 sessions (not a guarantee of results)
In the right hands, Kybella® can be the perfect alternative for those unwilling to take on the surgical and anesthesia risks of liposuction.
Kybella® treatment by Dr. Loomis (not a gurantee of results)
Kybella® 2 sessions (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary.)
Kybella® is an FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment that contours and improves the submental fullness of a double chin. With a 15 minute in-office treatment, it destroys fat cells in the specific areas it is injected.
Kybella® treatment by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)
First, then second Kybella® treatment by Dr. Loomis (not a guarantee of results)
I provide these treatments at our office in Middletown, NY. Treatments vary, but most of my patients undergo one or two sessions, with about half of my patients being satisfied with one session. The first session generally costs about $1,500, and the second, about $1,200. All the patients shown on this page were treated by me with Kybella®
Kybella® 1 session (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary.)
Kybella® 1 session (not a guarantee of results; individual results vary.)
Kybella® is not for everyone. If you have a wider area of excess fat or a large amount of loose skin, you may be better served with a surgical option. We can go over this during a free consultation. Keep in mind, the results from Kybella®, like CoolSculpting®, liposuction, or any other cosmetic procedure, depend a great deal upon the aesthetic sense and judgement of the physician evaluating you and performing your injections. Our familiarity with the anatomy of the area and our experience with the goals and subtleties of neck liposuction have prepared us well to optimize your Kybella® treatment.
Is it safe? In the right hands, with good patient selection, it is both safe and effective. In fact, I’ve treated myself with it! Here’s how it went:
I used only an ice pack to chill the submental area before the injections. Injecting yourself is usually more painful than being injected by someone else, but I barely noticed the injections. Immediately afterwards, I felt an irritating sort of burning discomfort and tingly numbness on the neck skin and the base of my chin. The area swelled to about twice its original size. I went to dinner and no one noticed anything. I felt the discomfort most when tilting my head back. (Don’t have the treatment right before going to the planetarium.)
Twelve hours later (the next morning) there was no real discomfort. I still had numbness on the chin and neck skin, which was an odd sensation while shaving. My swelling was slightly more (3x original size), such that my wife noticed I was in fact, getting a middle age neck, and asked if I was going to go ahead with that Kybella® treatment I had been talking about. By the next day, the swelling was down to about 50% above normal, and no one in the office commented or suspected I had treated myself. The tingling numb feeling was nearly resolved on the chin and decreasing on the neck skin. So, within 48 hours, the swelling was down to what I would call mild, and the other symptoms hardly noticeable.
My submental neck fat was not that large to begin with, and a larger fat pad could remain swollen for a longer period. But all in all, I consider it a very easy treatment to undergo.
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